Static Dinosaur Models ( 19 units ) Ordered By Netherlands Customer
Netherlands customer own an arboretum and are going to have some attractions in their place . They searched internet and found our company and thought the dinosaurs we made are really beautiful. After several emails sent between us , they decided to go to our previous Netherlands customers’ museum ( we have already cooperated with one Netherlands customer for providing dinosaurs to their museum from 2011 , here you can see more information about the order we cooperated with our previous Netherlands customer in their Museum : ) , after new Netherlands customer visited our old customer’s museum and talked with our old customer , they are very satisfied with everything and decided to place 19 units different kind of dinosaur models from us . All these dinosaur models will be made to be static as customer told us the arboretum is quite big and if they make the electric wire in all the area of the arboretum , it will be very , very expensive , so they do not need animatronic dinosaurs at all. Here below is the dinosaurs making process photos taken from our factory for you reference .
We have around 7days-10days Chinese new year holiday in the period when we making dinosaurs in our factory , so you can see the time we spent for this order is a little longer than our previous orders.

Silicono Rubber and Fiberglass Dinosaurs Making Process In Factory

Silicon Rubber Dinosaurs And Fiberglass Dinosaurs Making Process In Factory

Big Triceratops and Other Dinosaurs Making Process In Factory

Dinosaurs Making Process In Factory

Static Dinosaur Models Finished In Factory

Spinosaurus and other Dinosaur Models Finished In Factory

Silicon Rubber Dinosaur Models Finished In Factory

Dinosaurs Packing and Transportation From Factory

Dinosaurs Packing and Transportation From Factory to Netherlands
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